Recent Sermons

Click on sermon title for audio recording.  Click “blank” or “complete” for sermon outlines in PDF format.  Click on the date for the bulletin.

Date Service / Title Outlines
03/02/2025 Morning: Jesus’ Crucifixion, Part 1: His Torture by the Romans (Matthew 27:26b-31) blank / complete
Evening: The Letters to the Seven Churches: An Overview (Revelation 1:11; 2:1-3:22 blank / complete
02/23/2025 Morning: Dr. Mike Bryant – The Goodness of God complete
No Evening Service
02/16/2025 Morning: What Will You Do With Jesus? (Matthew 27:11-26) blank / complete
Evening: No Service (Soup Supper in Fellowship Hall)
02/09/2025 Morning: The Traitor’s Suicide (Matthew 27:1-10) blank / complete
Evening: John’s First Vision of Christ (Revelation 1:9-20) blank / complete
02/02/2025 Morning: Peter’s Collapse (Matthew 26:69-75) blank / complete
Evening: Beginning the Unveiling (Revelation 1:1-8) blank / complete
01/26/2025 Morning: Jesus Tried and Condemned (Matthew 26:57-68) blank / complete
Evening: Quarterly Business Meeting (no recording)
01/19/2025 Morning: Jesus Betrayed and Forsaken (Matthew 26:47-56) blank / complete
Evening: Introduction to Revelation (Revelation 1:1) blank / complete
01/12/2025 Morning: The Ordeal in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46) blank / complete
Evening: Interpreting Prophecy (Intro to Revelation Study) blank / complete
01/05/2025 Morning: Predicting the Disciples’ Failure and Restoration (Matthew 26:31-35) blank / complete
Evening: The End of The Beginning (Genesis 50:1-26) blank / complete
12/29/2024 Morning: Honoring God in Our Worship (1 Samuel 6:13-7:1) blank / complete
Evening: Fifth Sunday Fellowship

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