Upcoming: July 21, 2024

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Morning Service: 10:30 a.m.
Evening Service: 5:00 p.m.

Equipping Christians to Live Biblically

Exegetical Preaching and Bible Study

Join in Our Worship

Morning worship study in the Gospel of Matthew and evening study in Genesis.

Listen to Sermons Online

Click to see list of recent sermons!

Welcome! Are you looking for a church to attend?

Whether or not you will find what you want at Temple Baptist Church will depend on what you think a church service should be.

What you will find at TBC is a small, friendly congregation of people who especially love the Lord and His Word. The music portion of the morning services may include an anthem from our small choir and/or a song from a soloist or small ensemble. Every service includes congregational singing as a director leads in three or four songs from a hymnal (Rejoice Hymns, Majesty Music, 2011), accompanied by a piano. However, the emphasis of our services is always on the expository teaching of the Bible. Some preachers treat the Bible as a “thought for the day” book of quotes. Others use it as a source of proof-texts for their topical sermons. Not our pastor. He systematically teaches through books of the Bible in small segments, making relevant practical applications. Morning services last about an hour-and-a-quarter including about a fifty-minute sermon on a New Testament text (usually). The evening services last about an hour, including a sermon of similar length on an Old Testament text (usually). The subjects of his current sermon series are posted here, with audio files of previous messages available under the “online resources” tab.

Hover over images for more information.

A Word From Our Pastor – Hope, Love, and Purpose
A Word From Our Pastor – Hope, Love, and Purpose
How Does One Find Hope, Love, and Purpose? Because of our condition as fallen, corrupted beings, humanity is naturally disposed to reject the truth about our origins, our nature, and our destiny. We don’t want to believe in a Creator and Lawgiver, we don’t want to accept that we are sinful creatures in rebellion against…
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events October 25, 2023 – Ladies Lunch Out The ladies will gather for lunch at Amici’s on Macon Highway on Wednesday, October 25, at noon. October 29, 2023 – Fifth Sunday Fellowship We will have a fifth Sunday potluck fellowship during the evening service in the fellowship hall, beginning at 5:00.
Current Sermon Series
Current Sermon Series
Join us for Sunday worship! Sunday AM service starts at 10:30 a.m.  Join us for our sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew. Sunday PM service starts at 5:00 p.m.  Join us for our study on the book of Genesis. Listen to prior sermons on our Sermon Archive page by clicking here!

Service Times

Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.
Morning Service – 10:30 a.m.
Evening Service – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer – 7:00 p.m.